Summer Homework
Students will access their summer work via the "Welcome to VSSA" course in Schoology. Work is sorted into folders by subject area, followed by grade level.
All current VSSA students should be enrolled, but if they aren't for some reason, they should take the following steps to enroll:
- Log-in to Rapid Identity using your sNumber and Password.
- Open Schoology from Rapid Identity.
- Click on the Courses tab in Schoology.
- Click the "My Courses" link on the right hand side of the page.
- Click "Join Course".
- Enter the following code into the pop-up box: 5RNZC-7QNMX
For incoming new students, there are 2 possible paths for enrolling in the course:
- New student that is transferring from an Eagle County School District school:
- Follow the same steps as current VSSA students
- New student that is transferring from an out-of-district school:
- Create an account at using a personal email address. Use the course code 5RNZC-7QNMX. to join the summer homework folder.
- Note: The email address used to create the student account CANNOT be a parent email address. This will create problems down the road when helping parents set up parental accounts.
- Please email Gibby ( in the office with the personal email used to create the Schoology account so she can clear it with our IT department
- Click here for a video of the sign-up process for this group of students.
If you didn't recieve your book for homework at the end of the school year, you can pick it up on the exterior shelves (behind the cow) to the right of the front door of VSSA. Or you may order your own.