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Attendance Secretary / Registrar
Christy Martinez

Please know that notifying the Teacher, Chef, Principal, or Office Manager doesn’t denote it will be entered in the system.

Parents are now able to enter attendance
Parents are now able to use the “Attendance Monitor” feature in the PowerSchool Parent Portal! This means that every parent must have a PowerSchool Parent account to use the Attendance Monitor to report absences. If you do not have a PowerSchool Parent account, please contact  to request your account information and instructions. Reporting attendance and paying fees is only supported in the parent portal when you log in through a web browser.  You cannot report attendance or pay fees through the mobile app. However, you can log into the parent portal from your phone by doing so through a web browser like Safari or Chrome.
Attendance & Absences 
Student-athletes must attend all of their classes unless they have an excused absence. Due to the highly condensed academic programming, families are expected to utilize the designated breaks for family vacations and not extend these designated breaks for vacation. Families that take vacations during school days are compromising their child’s education at VSSA, and their student-athletes will be held responsible for completing the assigned work for their courses. 
Absent Notifications 
Parents must notify the school by calling/emailing the Registrar/Attendance Secretary when a student-athlete is absent for something other than a pre-excused sport Excused Absence. VSSA may request a doctor’s note for physical therapy appointments or if numerous days are missed due to illness. Student-athletes are responsible for all courses missed promptly during absences. 
Excused Absences 
Excused absences include athletic competitions and training, college visits, illness, and family emergencies. Primary Sports Coaches are responsible for communicating with VSSA on all excused absences for competitions and training. Parents do not need to contact the school regarding these absences. 
Non-athletic excused absence form (SSCV or Alternate Primary Sports Program) 
Student-athletes with foreseeable future absences outside their athletic Excused Absences must fill out the pre-excused absence form 5 days before the absence, which is available in the main office. All teachers and a parent must sign forms before submitting them to the Principal. 
Late Arrival /Early Departure 
Student-athletes arriving late or leaving early must sign in and out in the main office. Parents are strongly encouraged to schedule appointments during non-school hours. An email to the Registrar/Attendance Secretary will inform the office of the late arrival or early departure. For early departures, please call 970-328-2834 once you are in Minturn and we will try to have your student ready. Parents of 5th and 6th graders please come to the front office to check out your student.
1. Tardies will be documented in PowerSchool, and after three tardies, the Principal will meet with student-athletes to discuss getting to class on time. If the issue persists, the Principal will contact the parents. 
2. Weather and traffic are not excused absences unless extreme circumstances exist; please plan accordingly. 
3. Students cannot leave early for sports if they reach three unexcused tardies that season.
4. Students over 20 minutes late to call will be marked absent. 
If you believe your student was marked tardy or absent in error, your student should communicate directly with their teacher to clear up any discrepancies. If any correction needs to be made, your student's teacher will email the attendance office with any corrections needed.   
Off-Campus Lunch:
Juniors and seniors may leave campus for lunch. They are not allowed to bring younger grade students with them. Juniors and seniors transporting 5th- 10th graders during school hours will lose their off-campus privileges for lunch & study halls for two weeks. Students in 5th-10th who leave campus without a parent will receive lunch detention, and parents will be notified.

 Clarification of Class Periods

For homework please go to Schoology

Parent Portal Quick Start Guide

Pre-Excused Absence Form